We May Not Have It All Together, But Together We Have It All.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Treats from the heart.......

Over the past few weeks when we talk to Ry on the phone, he tells the kids about his Afgan counterpart, who is a General in the Afgan Army. They work together and are learning about each other's cultures.

Ry informed us that the General often doesnt eat lunch because in their culture it is not appropriate for him to eat with his soldiers. So, from time to time, Ry gives the General some of his pogey-bait (military lingo for snacks).

The other day, the kids informed me that they wanted to send daddy some cookies. Then, they remembered about the General and decided that they needed to send him some cookies too. This turned into informing daddy of thier plan and then daddy telling the General what the kids were doing. So, a plan was hatched!!!!...........
***We would take pictures of the kids making the cookies. Mail them to daddy and the General. Then daddy and the General will take a picture of themselves eating the cookies and send it back to the kids.*****
The kids are SO excited about it. Sydney wrote a little note to the General that said "thank you for helping and making our world a better place." Of course, Brock wanted to write on his note.... "Im sorry you are so short and dont have good food to make you grow" (BUT, that note didnt make it in the box) (Brock heard from someone that Afgan men are short because the food nutrition in their native country isnt very good)

We will be sure to share our pictures we get back from Ry.

Just thought we would share our plan that spans 7000 miles and has brought kids closer to their daddy, a wife closer to her husband and strangers closer to humanity.

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