We May Not Have It All Together, But Together We Have It All.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Run...Jump.....and Let Go....

Brock took off running as soon as he saw his Christmas present come through the airline door. He was so excited to see his daddy.

The kids literally jumped into Ry's arms and held him tight. The kids continued to hold on tight to Ry for the next three days. They were his little shadows and followed him everywhere.

I initially had mixed feelings about Ry coming home. Of course I wanted to see him but another emotional goodbye was too much to think about. Im glad he came home, in the end it was worth it, but eventually we had to let go....
After getting over the goodbyes, I started to think that maybe letting go could be embraced in a way. Maybe letting go is feared because it is about change. Could I let go in a different way?
Im not one for new years resolutions. Mainly because I dont follow rigid things like diet of weight and then end up feeling worse thus defeating the purpose of a resolution. So with the new year beginning, I think I will make a promise to think more outside of myself and nourish my spirit with loving that I could let go. I let go of fear and am welcoming the new year.

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