We May Not Have It All Together, But Together We Have It All.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Homecoming was amazing.  That is really the only way to describe it.  And amazing doesn’t do it justice. 

As we pulled into the parking lot of the armory we could see all the soldier's gear laying in a line to be picked up.  We could see a few patriot guardsman lining the driveway awaiting the unit’s return. There was just an excitement in the air.    

As we waited outside we had a clear view of the highway that the buses would  be coming in on. Then it happened….. In the distance we heard the sirens, then we saw the lights, then the roar of the Harley’s.  The two buses of the unit had a patriot guard escort, firetruck escort and police helicopter overhead. 

Seeing the fifteen cycles lead the buses in and the flashing lights of the police was simply awesome.  It was a hero's welcome in every sense of the word. 

At one point as the line was driving up the street, I heard Syd yell my name.  I looked over and she was weeping.  She said to me “I don’t know what is wrong with me!”  I explained to her that it was emotion, and sometimes when we have so much and so many emotions flowing through us they have nowhere to go but to burst out.  I assured her it was OK.  Seeing her so overcome with emotion and pride, swelled my heart. 

As the buses were in clear sight, I myself, couldn’t help but feel my emotions release.  He was the first one off the second bus and we locked eyes right away.  The kids spotted him immediately and took off.  Syd just held onto her daddy like she was never going to let go, and Brock was simply giddy and so happy to have his daddy home.

Once I was in Major's embrace, I found myself weeping and I recall him whispering to me..."it's over."

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