We May Not Have It All Together, But Together We Have It All.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Fall Resolutions

Wow, I didnt think it would be so hard sending Syd and Brock off to school.

I already miss them. We had such a fun summer together!
However, back to school season always feels a bit like New Years to me. It's like afresh start. So many things are changing. Kids are going back to school, the season is changing and new activities. Maybe this should be everyone's New Fall Resolution Time.

What will my resolutions be?

1. School Mornings will be less crazy. Wait....that's probably inevitable. I mean in seven years I still have to remind the boogers to put on their shoes 25 times before we even hit the door. Maybe my resolution should be to let them go to school without their shoes if they don't listen the first time. Yeah.....That will teach em. Hmmmmm......ok, scratch this one. Next.

2. The TV will be on less at our house. Hold on.....wouldn't that be like a dangerous detox for them? I mean it is crack cocaine for kids? They could have some serious withdrawal symptoms. Better do it slowly....Ok, lets try this again.

3. Major and I will synchronize our schedules better and I will be more organized. If only he would use my cute purse calendar.....I like old school paper and he likes to put everything on his phone. (I think he secretly doesn't like how it clashes with his outfit) ***Well, at least my well thought out activity center in the kitchen will help. I mean how hard is it to train the troops to actually use the files, pencil holders and post it board.......I can clean off their sticky suckers, cups, cleaners, bags, keys and newspapers everyday so it actually serves its purpose...right? Ugh...this isn't working.

I guess Ill just stick with our Mantra that we are a happily imperfect family that loves and supports one another. That's how we work well together. We have craziness everyday, but that is what makes us.....us! We don't pretend to be perfect, but I guess that's why I have such amazing kids.

Have a great week.
What's your New Fall Resolution?

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