We May Not Have It All Together, But Together We Have It All.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Five things I have learned

Five things I have learned and surrendered to as a mom!

1. The "plastic collection" of glassware is totally IN this year. When I got married I had such a beautiful set of Crate and Barrel stines, mugs and glasses. Well, through love lost, I have learned that I am destined to have plastic cups for at least the next nine years. Although, the occasional Chuck-E-Cheese and Fishy cup does add the my kitchen's ambiance.

2. Wood kitchen floors are awesome at hiding spots. These spots will remain there until I mop and I wont mop everyday. Darker colored spills are better and more preferred around my house because the wood floor allows it to be a bit camouflaged. The floor will get mopped once a week unless the Exxon Valdez is spilled.

3. I could be a mortician or coroner. With the amount of poop, pee, puke and blood I have dealt with I am convinced that I could walk into an autopsy minus the Vicks under the nose.

4. Spills happen in slow motion, yet they are never saved.

5. Surrender to the "dad factor." If you leave dad in charge while you are out or at an appointment.......he will not do it right. The sooner you learn and accept this, the better life will be. He will not understand why they wont go to sleep with cartoons on, he will not understand that going to bed with clothes on is not the same as pjs, and he will not understand why fruits and veggies at dinner are needed. (Disclaimer alert......love you Major)

So come on over and have an unhealthy meal, while drinking out of a Chuck-E-Cheese cup, watching cartoons with the occasional scabby knee mixed in.

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